
Happiest Place On Earth

Today I am in what is considered to be the happiest place on earth. Although I know it's going to be fantastic, it got me thinking about what really is the happiest place on earth? If you google it, you'll find results similar to this World Map of Happiness or, the 2006 and 2009 list side to side on Wikipedia. Interesting to note that the USA doesn't rank very high on these lists.

In the USA San Luis Obispo, CA and Boulder, CO are among the few that have been named the happiest. To find out where your city ranks visit USA Today.

I've been thinking about it over the last few days and I think for me it's simple --- my happiest places always include happy memories and family. I'd say that most of the places I've lived are among my happiest places. I'd include on that list several places in Utah, Arizona, Washington DC, and Moscow. Sometimes I smell or see something that takes right to one of those places...and it makes me feel at home.

I want to know, what are your happy places?

1 comment:

  1. One of my happiest places ... on a lawn chair, by a pool, 80 degrees, good book, diet pepsi with lime.

    Holding Linley during the first few seconds of her life was a pretty happy place too.

    I agree, anywhere with family.
